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Cases in Japan


Case Study in Japan

Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
Hitachi High-Tech achieved converting financial information of all public offering companies in XBRL (November 2003)

Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation (Hitachi Hi-Tech) employed business solution by Hitachi and database by Oracle Corporation, and made financial information of all the 4,500 public offering companies into XBRL format, which enables the offering of financial information in XBRL at latest by the next day of its announcement.
Hitachi and Hitachi Hi-Tech set a common accounting items based on XBRL taxonomy developed by XBRL Japan, and developed a system to convert each company’s accounting item to that of the common items. That makes it possible to offer XBRL financial information within a day after the announcement of a company’s financial statement.

(1)Offering data: latest short financial results (fiscal year results, mid-term results, and quarterly results),
Securities Reports, Midterm financial reports
(2)Applied companies: about 4,500 listed companies (including some non-listed companies)
(3)Time of renewal: latest short financial results on the day or by the next day of the announcements
Securities reports and midterm financial reports by the end of the next month of the announcements
(4)Range of data: Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements, Statements of Cash Flows, Notes
(5)Others: Integrated about 50,000 accounting items into about 4,000. One can also refer to the corresponding original items. Accounting items can be also applied to corresponding items in English.